Creativity and better writing skills are a requirement for students and one of the sources that facilitate the mentioned attributes are blogs. Blogs provide an avenue to derive information, which is paramount for students. With the availability of information found on blogs, no student will be heard making requests such as “please do essay for me.” This is because they will have found a place to get relevant, up to date and accessible information. More so, unlike other ancient websites, blogs can be changed easily and are flexible in design. Both students and teachers will have an easy time accessing blogs either via a computer or mobile device.
Below is a discussion that showcases the multifaceted reasons for blogging.
1) Multi-faceted learning
To convey information in class, a teacher uses several ways because the students are different. Also, this should apply to assignments where there are several ways to engage. Blogging serves a huge role in this, by providing an avenue that allows quiet students to be heard online. The shy students will be less pressured because through the blog; they will give their feedback in own terms. It also works well for visual and read-and-write learners.
2) Enhancement of Literacy and sharpening writing skills
The blogging process improves the student’s creativity, writing skills as well as communication and collaboration. It gives students an opportunity to become published authors because all skills are learned in this platform. There are peer review, feedback and comments from many other students inclusive those of different cultures, therefore; the knowledge earned is enormous. Also, students work hard to improve their writing and make the blogs interesting through catching the attention of the reader. To achieve this, the words, sentences and phrases used must make sense.
3) Accessibility and engaging
Blog applications are available, which makes the blogging process simple and accessible for the students. The mobility is satisfying since the students can blog from anywhere whenever they want. They are no time frames to blog or conditions that tie one down to a desk. Photography and videos make blogging more interesting, engaging and interactive. In this era, almost all students possess cameras.
4) As a Management Tool
When used as a tool in class, blogs make the students focused on the task. This is because, when one posts on the blog site, there will be corresponding comments. The students will want to check the comments, so they will be in a position to follow through. It is also exciting to proof the other students read your work and are giving feedback or questions after taking the time to reflect. A classroom blog is better than an individual blog as it nurtures an online community. The students extend beyond the classroom walls. The extension means learning is not confined to class; they can read and respond as the learning process continues everywhere they go.
5) Real audience
It is known by educators that students write better at the thought that an audience exists. With blogging, students have the whole world as the target audience. The authentic audience that is provided through blogging impacts on the excellent quality of the posts and comments. Blogging also helps the writers to extend into different topics and aspects of life and come to the realization that writing is a valuable skill in all fields.