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How to Keep a No-Strings-Attached Relationship

  • June 2, 2016
  • By Grace
How to Keep a No-Strings-Attached Relationship

Some women realize that a man doesn’t want any serious relationship right after the first two dates. If they are OK with it, they continue this relationship “with benefits”. They don’t cherish any illusions that he will eventually fall in love and they will become a real couple. But those girls are an exception. Life proves that most women would like to graduate from a free-of-commitment relationship and they do believe that finally, it will end up with a ring on one’s finger. If you know for sure that your new relationship is not going to grow into something serious, you should set the right tone from the start. Jump 4 Love Ukrainian Women Dating Service advises you to do the following.


Introduce her to your friends cautiously. Meeting their date’s friends is often interpreted by women as a sign that signals men’s serious intentions. You don’t want to give her any signs because you don’t plan a long-term relationship with her. However, you can’t date a woman keeping her totally isolated from your friends. Fortunately, there is a way out. Introduce her only to your single buddies who don’t care about your dates and won’t even remember her name.

Ignore her money-related questions.  This is one of the tricks women use to test whether a man is ready for commitment. Don’t swallow that bait. If she starts moaning about her financial issues, she wants to see your reaction. If you offer her your help or at least express your sympathy, she’ll know that you are theoretically ready for commitment. That’s why you should react at her words neutrally (say “I see” in response) and immediately change the topic in the direction “Your knees are so sexy” or “That mole on your hip drives me crazy”.


Don’t be an open book for her. When she asks you about something, especially something personal, don’t go into details. If she is interested in how your day at work was, tell her that it was as usual and that’s it. This is not to say that you should act like an undercover agent but make sure that you give away a little information about your private life because she is not and will not be a part of it.

Forget about jealousy and control. Don’t ask her who calls her at 3 a.m. or whose name features her tattoo. It’s not your business. You can’t give way to your proprietary instinct unless you’re an official “proprietor” (read: partner).


Don’t plan anything for you two well in advance. It’s totally OK to call and offer to see each other next Thursday. But discussing how you’re going to celebrate your birthday or where you two will spend your summer vacation are the tabooed topics that will make her think that you’re her official boyfriend.

Avoid posting pictures featuring her. Although taking a joint selfie and then sharing it on Facebook is not the same as declaring your love, a woman may take it too seriously. She might decide that you don’t have a girlfriend who would be jealous of you because of this photo. And if you don’t have a girlfriend, why doesn’t she try to become one?

By Grace, June 2, 2016
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