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Common Financial Hurdles of Living On Your Own

  • June 6, 2018
  • By Grace
Common Financial Hurdles of Living On Your Own

How exciting it is to finally be out on your own. Whether you are just out of college or simply out of the nest and taking on your first job, the feeling can be exhilaration as they visualize a life of promise and fulfillment. Along with the heady feelings, though, come concerns about the financial hurdles of living on your own. Often, these concerns are in the areas of money and personal finance. Common questions that crop up can include: Can I afford a car? How will I pay my rent? Do I need insurance? What are some common budgeting tips? How can I start a savings plan?

Successful navigation through these often uncharted waters involves a several-part personal plan. The main points include becoming aware of your personal financial situation, developing a specific personal financial plan, creating a savings fund, using debt wisely, and associating with trusted bank and market professionals.


Awareness and Planning

The first thing to do is simply think about and become aware of your personal financial situation. Are you earning any money? Are you in a position where the only way to manage a financial emergency is through personal loans available online, or do you have a safety net to fall back on? What are your skills? We all have a unique set of circumstances, has different ideas and comes from a specific background.

Once that exercise is done, then make a plan that is tailor-made for you. Your written plan should include your near-term and long-term goals, the approximate timeframes for each and how you will finance them.

A soon as a plan is developed, you will need to establish the habit of regular savings and develop personal guidelines for using credit. Let’s take a look at each of these:

Start a Savings Habit

No one wants to live paycheck to paycheck, but the majority of people do. Develop good financial habits that will steer you in a positive direction. One of the best things to do is to develop a savings habit. Open up a savings account. Adding even a small amount to it regularly contributes to confidence and financial security.

Credit and Debt: Be Careful

Use debt and credit only for good reasons, if at all. Nowadays, it is all too easy to obtain a credit card or take out a loan for almost anything. Remember: You will have to pay it back with interest. Not having any debt creates confidence. Instead of paying monthly against your debt you now have free cash to spend or save. Wise folks may have a credit card but they generally use it sparingly and pay the balance off monthly to avoid racking up interest expense.

Partner With Key Professionals

You now understand that your future and the financial means to achieve it is largely within your own hands. Take the time to work up your plan, begin a saving program and make use of credit conservatively, if at all. Confer often with knowledgeable family members. Of course, seek out trusted professionals. Your local credit union or bank is a good place to look first.

Yes, there can be some concerns and pitfalls to avoid. But, using the tips suggested here, you can navigate effectively through these first few years. You will learn a lot about life and, as you move forward, will proceed onward and upward to even greater things.

By Grace, June 6, 2018
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