Women have it tough in a lot of ways, especially when it comes to thyroid problems. According to the Office on Women’s Health, women are much more likely to develop a form of thyroid complication than men, such as:
Worried that you might have one of these diseases? Then, you might want to check for these signs.
The most common sign you should look for when considering thyroid issues is how high or low your energy levels are. To give your body the energy it needs from oxygen and calories in the bloodstream, your thyroid needs iodine to produce the thyroid hormones, T3 and T4. However, things can go awry if you have too much or too little thyroid hormones.
If you have excessive thyroid hormone levels, you’ll tend to feel nervous and jittery. But if your thyroid hormone levels are too low, you’ll usually feel overly exhausted — even if you’ve been sleeping more.
In addition to controlling your energy levels, your thyroid also controls your menstrual cycle. As a result, if you have excessively high or low amounts of thyroid hormones, your menstruation period can drastically change. You may find that your periods have (happily!) become very light. Or you may be distraught to discover the exact opposite. You may even end up with early menopause.
Because your thyroid can control both your energy levels and your period through your bloodstream, it makes sense that it can also heighten your sensitivity to temperature.
According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, your thyroid can influence how much your blood vessels do or do not dilate. For more warmth, your thyroid will dilate blood vessels to let more blood rush into the cold areas. To cool down areas of your body, your thyroid will constrict the blood vessels.
So for those of you who find yourselves sweating and finding any sort of heat uncomfortable, it’s likely your thyroid hormone levels are too high. But if you feel like you just can’t find any sort of relief from a constant chill surrounding you, then your thyroid hormone levels are probably too low.
Maybe none of these signs so far seem to apply to you. Maybe you’ve only really noticed that you’ve been getting more bad hair days than usual. It can’t be too bad, right?
You probably are right to not overly worry about your bad hair days. But you may still want to examine them more thoroughly as they can be a sign that you have a thyroid disorder.
If you’ve noticed that brushing your hair is taking out more strands of hair than you’re used to, you may actually be experiencing hair loss from excessive thyroid hormone levels.
Your bad-hair-day symptoms could be much less severe, though. For instance, you might just be dealing with overly dry skin and hair, indicating that your thyroid hormone levels are too low.
As you may have noticed with the other signs, your thyroid typically deals with your hormones. So it comes as no surprise that when your thyroid gets a little out of control, your feelings might too. As a result, you may notice that you feel anxious or depressed lately. However, this does not mean that all or even any aspects of your anxiety or depression is connected to a thyroid disorder.
The best way to determine if that is the case is to consult your doctor.
What Can You Do about These Signs?
The best thing you can do is to seek an official diagnosis and professional care from your doctor. They will be able to examine you and determine if you have some sort of thyroid problem.
It may feel like a waste of time to discuss seemingly minor signs, but if you discover that there’s nothing wrong, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that your worries were unfounded. But even if the diagnosis for a thyroid issue does turn out to be positive, your doctor will then be aware of and able to help you manage your newfound condition.
Not all, but many thyroid conditions can be treated successfully with medication, such as Synthroid®.
You’ll be able to ease your condition and the cost to your wallet by ordering your new prescription from an online pharmacy referral service like Rx Connected. This pharmacy referral service can connect you to Canadian and international pharmacies that will be able to provide you with more affordable prescription prices.
Don’t Worry
Your thyroid is a tricky little organ that can mess with your regular routine when it goes out of control. But you don’t have to let it. Armed with the knowledge found here, you can detect your thyroid troubles before they get worse and treat them with affordable prescriptions or other available treatments.