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Bike Safety: The Essentials

  • March 24, 2015
  • By Grace
Bike Safety: The Essentials

Biking is a very healthy habit. It makes our hearts pump faster, it tones our bodies, it trains our brains to be more alert and it is healthy for our emotions too. Even more than that though, using a bike is a very cheap way of moving around a city as well.

No matter how great it may be though, biking can be dangerous if you do not think in advance of all the potential accidents that could happen. What are the absolute essentials when it comes to bike safety? Here are some of the most important thing to keep in mind, especially if you’re buying a new bike:


A Cycling Helmet

If you plan on using a bike to transport yourself (around town, from one town to the other or simply for fun), you should absolutely make sure to include a cycling helmet in your kit. At first, it may feel a bit odd to wear it, but the truth is that it can literally save your life in case of an accident. A cycling helmet doesn’t cost much, but it is a must-have for anyone who uses a bike – so make sure you do invest in a quality one before you start “pedaling” your way around.

Lights Up, Please

It doesn’t matter if you think you will not be using your bike at night. You need a headlight and some tail lights too. You need to make sure you are noticeable on the road and that you can light up the road as well. Imagine cars without lights and you will understand why it is so important to invest in good lights for your bike too! Invest in something that is reasonably powerful and which has a long battery life (so that you don’t have to face the unpleasant surprise of seeing your bike’s lights go out in the middle of the night).


Stock Up for Rainy Days

Rain gear and fenders. Again, you may not think you will be using your bike a lot on the rainier days, but you never know when a rain will start out of the blue. Invest in your “rainy days kit” and you will not regret not having done it in the first place.

Reflective Vest

In many countries, the law requires bikers to wear a reflective vest – and even if that is not the case for you too, you should still make sure to wear one. After all, it is not an uncomfortable thing to wear and it can definitely go a long way when it comes to your safety.

The Technicalities

Don’t forget to include bike tools, a spare tube and a frame pump as well. Using a bike that doesn’t function properly can be extremely dangerous so you should be ready to provide it with a “first aid” in case something happens.

Again, all these things do not cost a lot and they can definitely provide you with a safer “trip” every time you use your bike (regardless of whether you use it for leisure or for actually travelling to and from home/school).

By Grace, March 24, 2015
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