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Hand luggage only?

  • November 18, 2014
  • By Grace
Hand luggage only?

I’m going to broach a subject here that may make you all gasp in disbelief, but bear with me. Have you ever thought about going on holiday with hand luggage only?

Before a cacophony of laughs occurs, hear me out.

If you’re traveling for a long weekend, a few days, or even a week, travelling with hand luggage could be the perfect way to cut holiday costs. Money doesn’t grow on trees, so it’s sensible to look at different ways to save here and there. For instance, when you book your holiday, before you decide to buy a certain extra or addition to your plans, consider if you really need it.


Take public transport to the airport for example, do you really need to pay the inflated costs, or could you cut out the stress and save money by driving yourself and booking airport parking with ParkBCP? I regularly do this and not only has it saved me money, but it’s also made travel day a breeze compared to how it used to be. No more packed train platforms for me! I regularly booking my spot for Heathrow parking, but I have used the same service at many other airports nationwide, so simply check out what is available at your local terminal.

That’s a cost saved already, but it’s also worthwhile really thinking long and about your luggage needs.

Now, if you’re heading off for a fortnight or even ten days, don’t consider this idea, because it’s simply not going to work. If however you’re going for a shorter time, then booking with an airline who give you more in the way of hand luggage allowance could get you around the need to book a suitcase onto your holiday, which can add anything up to £40 return onto the cost of your holiday.

Monarch (on some flights), Jet 2, Easy Jet, these all offer around 10kg hand luggage, or as much as you can get into a case of specified dimensions, as is the case with Easy Jet. If you can be ruthless with what you pack, buy your toiletries at the airport, and remember the 100ml liquid rule, then you could easily keep money in your pocket.


Think mix and match items of clothing, wear your heaviest shoes and maybe coat to the airport, throw your jewellery around your neck to travel in if your chains are heavy, and remember that if you’re a girl, maxi dresses are your friend whether it is day or night! You can easily buy beach towels in resort, and simply be realistic about how many pairs of shoes you really need.

You will be surprised to learn how much you can throw into 10kg, if you’re really careful and pack your lightest things.

Now, I can vouch for this idea, and I’m not the lightest of packers, so if I can do, anyone can!

By Grace, November 18, 2014
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