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4 ways to save money with Energy Star Ratings

  • July 1, 2015
  • By Grace
4 ways to save money with Energy Star Ratings

If you’re considering upgrading your electrical appliances this Winter, you may be imagining how they will look in your home, but did you ever consider the Energy Star rating of the appliance? Energy Australia has demonstrated 4 ways in which you can save money on your electricity bills with Energy Star ratings.


By simply purchasing an appliance with a high Energy Star rating, you can expect to save money annually on your electricity bill. With every additional star, you can lower your washing machines running costs by 27%, while the fridge – which is the highest culprit of energy consumption in the home can have it’s running costs decreased by almost 23% per energy star. To put real-life figures into the equation, lets say your current washing machine that has 2 stars has an annual running cost is $113.79, if you were to upgrade to a washing machine that had an energy star rating with 6 stars, your new annual running costs would drop significantly to just $39.03 annually.

Upgrading your Energy Star rating from just two stars to five stars could see your electricity bill cut in half on an annual basis.

To learn more about saving energy and reducing your annual electricity costs, head to for more energy saving tips or to get a quote on a new plan.


By Grace, July 1, 2015
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