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5 minor cosmetic treatments to consider before Spring

  • January 2, 2020
  • By Grace
5 minor cosmetic treatments to consider before Spring

The end to those early dark evenings and the bitter chill of winter is finally in sight. Spring will soon be here, meaning temperatures will begin to creep slightly upward, and Easter is on the horizon. Reason enough to smile, right? Why not show your smile off even more with glowing confidence – here are five minor cosmetic treatments to so consider before spring.

Composite Bonding

This process refers to the repair of the decayed, damaged or discoloured teeth. Teeth bonding from Ten Dental, and many other dentistries, use a material that resembles the colour of tooth enamel. This effectively covers the damage to the tooth and gives the appearance of a healthy tooth, brightening up your smile. Moreover, it’s one of the least expensive cosmetic dentistry procedures available to patients with damaged teeth.

Teeth Whitening

This is another basic domestic dentistry procedure that can make the world of difference. Whitening should occur once tartar, debris and plaque have been cleansed from the surface of each tooth, restoring the natural appearance. Teeth can also be bleached to achieve a shade that is even lighter than its original colour, in some circumstances. Often, the teeth become stained and worn from personal habits such as smoking, medication, and a reaction to food and drink. Whitening coats can be done at home or at a professional dentist. 

Lip fillers

Sticking with that theme of brightening up your smile, lip fillers are another minor cosmetic treatment you may wish to consider. Whether you’re chasing a little symmetry for your pout, or envy Angelina Jolie’s full lips, this simple injection is becoming an increasingly popular choice for completely transforming the way your smile looks, as well as your face in general. Once the topical numbing agent is applied to the area, the filler is injected in and around the lips and normal activities can be resumed right away.


This is one of the most non-invasive cosmetic treatments available, and is so popular that you’re likely to be able to find a “botox party” in your local neighbourhood. Another injectable treatment, this procedure relaxes facial muscles with a subtle yet highly effective result. It’s quick, relatively painless – and crucially budget-friendly. Prepare to look instantly refreshed and well-rested, even if you don’t feel it!


The accumulation of dead skin cells can cause the skin to appear dull, and layers of sun-damaged skin decrease the number of “cosmeceuticals” penetrating deep into the skin, where they have the best effect. You may have your skincare routine down to a tee already, but that’s little use if “vellus” hair (commonly referred to as peach fuzz) is preventing products from penetrating the skin completely, and can also cause uneven make-up application. Ultimately, dermaplaning provides a non-invasive, gentle manual exfoliation of the skin while removing velds hair.


This treatment is offered at the majority of beauty salons, often alongside your typical facials. Again, it’s a simple procedure with very pleasing and effective results. Make 2020 the year that you treat yourself!



By Grace, January 2, 2020
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