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These are the things keeping me busy this year

  • April 30, 2018
  • By Grace
These are the things keeping me busy this year

Wow, can you guys believe it’s almost May already? It feels like last month was Christmas! I don’t know about you, but I’m busier than ever right now. I also made a New Year’s resolution that I was going to get more done this year and enjoy my time off a little more. So I wanted to share with you some of the things I’ve been doing recently:


Spanish is hard you guys. After learning it half-assed for around a year and a half, I quit for two years and now I’m picking it up again. All those lovely verb conjugations it took me forever to memorize? Yeah, they’re gone. Now I feel like I’m back to square one, although funnily enough, most of my food vocabulary has stayed in my mind. Either way, I’m determined that I’m going to improve my Spanish this year.



I’m one of those people who when I’m working, I’m thinking about doing anything else, and when I’m relaxing, I’m focussing on work. This year, I’m making a conscious effort to separate the two- while I’m still working more than I should, I’m trying to prioritise my weekends. A large part of this is simply chilling out- something that I love but don’t get to do enough of. If you’re like me and you need an excuse to relax, check out this video streaming app, download this live broadcast app, or get familiar with these sports live streams.


Here’s the thing: When it’s winter, I’m not known for my socialising. I’m an extrovert, but I love my own company and I’m also lazy. This leads to weeks without seeing anyone, until I absolutely have to force myself to get out and socialise- and of course I always have a great time. If you’re also the type to turn into a hermit, make yourself go out and meet up with some friends at least once this weekend- you won’t regret it.


Yes, as usual, I’m super lucky and have a lot of trips planned. Some of them involve quite a lot of long-haul flying which doesn’t please me, but others will be quick jaunts around Europe. One thing I’ve noticed recently is how great some of the recent travel apps are. I personally love TripIt, and some of the low-cost airlines have some pretty decent apps which allow you to see the exact status of your flight- even when the plane is coming in from another country.

By Grace, April 30, 2018
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