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Expensive Healthcare Insurance Premiums? A Tax May Be Responsible.

Expensive Healthcare Insurance Premiums? A Tax May Be Responsible.

It is not uncommon for tax issues to affect the lives of a lot of people in ways that are often unpredictable. According to studies complied by Northeastern University, issues with tax codes caused the fossil fuel tax to allow fossil fuel companies to form Master Limited Partnerships or MLPs and avoid taxes altogether. On…

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By Grace, January 9, 2017
Why Teaching Children About Dental Care is Essential

Why Teaching Children About Dental Care is Essential

Dental care is as important as any other general health service. In fact, it plays quite a role in your wellbeing, as oral consumption has a large impact on physical health. It is important to take care of your mouth for a number of reasons, especially since this can protect you from exposure to complications…

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By Grace, December 21, 2016
Advances in Alternative Medicine

Advances in Alternative Medicine

More than 40 percent of people in the United States now use some form of alternative medicine, treatment, or therapy to eliminate pain, treat illness, and restore the body to full health. These medicines, which are generally defined as either alternative medical systems, mind body interventions, biologically based therapies, energy therapies, or manipulative and body…

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By Grace, December 21, 2016
Top Tips to Improve your Skin

Top Tips to Improve your Skin

Have you noticed that your skin continues to be dry and flaky, regardless of what you put on it? Or maybe you’ve noticed fine lines, acne, or both? There are many different factors that affect how your skin will look, so if you’ve noticed that your skin could definitely use some TLC, here are some…

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By Grace, December 7, 2016
Surprising benefits of dog ownership

Surprising benefits of dog ownership

Owners will testify that dogs are great companions, but having a pet has other benefits too and some of those benefits are more than a little bit surprising. Physical benefits Dogs like to walk and in consequence, owners get more exercise. Increased levels of exercise are linked to lower blood pressure and better immune systems….

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By Grace, December 5, 2016
Bad Skin? We’ve got Some Products for you to Try

Bad Skin? We’ve got Some Products for you to Try

For those who have been suffering through bad skin, it can seem like the problem will never go away. You try one thing after another, and all that happens is you seem to get more wrinkles and breakouts. Luckily, we have the best in the business when it comes to the top beauty products, and…

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By Grace, November 18, 2016
Why do you need health insurance?

Why do you need health insurance?

For many people, it can be challenging to accept the importance of health insurance. After all, this is something that can cost a lot of money each month, and (if all goes to plan), may not even be used. If you’re one of the people who are uninsured or underinsured, this article is for you….

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By Grace, November 17, 2016
Wheezing? These Habits Are Making Your Asthma Worse

Wheezing? These Habits Are Making Your Asthma Worse

If you’ve noticed a sudden uptick in your asthma symptoms, don’t just assume that it’s a part of the condition. There are many things that can affect asthma frequency and severity. Selina Gierer is an assistant professor at the University of Kansas Hospital. She says that lifestyle and environment can have a big impact on…

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By Grace, October 26, 2016
Ways to Move at Work

Ways to Move at Work

If you haven’t yet heard, many professionals now believe that sitting is the new smoking, and while those who work on their feet all day every day may disagree, prolonged time spent sitting can cause fatigue, heart disease and injury. The average person spends three to eight hours sitting down every day (and this is…

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By Grace, October 24, 2016
How does vitamin A skincare benefit skin?

How does vitamin A skincare benefit skin?

Vitamin A is a phenomenal molecule that is known to deliver a number of incredible benefits to skin when it is at the right levels. Achieving the right levels however is always the tricky part because based on our modern lifestyles and our exposure to sunlight and other environmental factors, our vitamin A levels are…

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By Grace, October 24, 2016
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