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5 Ways to Fix the Bug Problem in Your Office

5 Ways to Fix the Bug Problem in Your Office

Whether you run a restaurant or a tax service, finding insects in your place of business is a serious problem. You not only need to worry about the safety of your product and the health of your employees, but also whether a customer or client will come across an insect and be put off from…

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By Grace, March 23, 2018
Fidgeting and Weight Loss

Fidgeting and Weight Loss

Some people fidget and some don’t. Fidgeting is defined as small movements, especially of the hands and feet, done through nervousness or impatience and is considered an unconscious habit. Fidgeting may also be a self-regulation mechanism to help with attention levels. People who fidget tend to daydream and be thinner than their more focused and…

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By Grace, March 21, 2018
Fun Ways to Keep Cool This Summer

Fun Ways to Keep Cool This Summer

The summer is a great time to be outside. Unfortunately, staying outdoors for too long during this season can also wind up being uncomfortable and frustrating. This means that you are going to want to slip back into the comfort of your own home every now and again. To enjoy your time indoors during the…

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By Grace, August 8, 2017


In this day and age, it is not really difficult to maintain your body. Exercising for half an hour and eating right will result in a fit and happy body, usually we are so engrossed in thinking about our physical well being that we almost ignore that fact that emotional and well being should be…

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By Grace, August 2, 2017
How safe are Britain’s roads for cyclists?

How safe are Britain’s roads for cyclists?

In the UK, 90% of all journeys made are completed on our roads, leaving the other 10% for journeys completed on paths, railway lines, and other routes. On these roads, 83% of journeys were undertaken in a car, van or taxi – covering more than 600 billion kilometres over the course of the year. In…

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By Grace, July 31, 2017
Need to finally get in shape this year? Read this post

Need to finally get in shape this year? Read this post

Are you sick of being overweight and feeling self conscious? Do you find that you don’t really feel like socialising and you can’t remember the last time you went shopping since buying clothes is such an involved process? You’re not alone. Most of us set a New Year’s resolution to get in shape this year,…

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By Grace, May 31, 2017
Does Medical Marijuana Expire?

Does Medical Marijuana Expire?

Many patients have asked us if their medical marijuana could expire, or if it has already expired. Sometimes, they’ve purchased too much and their medicine has sat around for a while. At other times, they haven’t needed their medicine for a period of time, and then when they did, they wondered if it was still…

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By Grace, March 29, 2017
Why You Should Consider Becoming a Nurse Anesthetist

Why You Should Consider Becoming a Nurse Anesthetist

If you are debating what your next career move is going to be and you want to enter a profession that is not only lucrative but also rewarding and in demand you should consider a career in the nursing industry. Statistics show that positions in the nursing industry show growth trends and are on track…

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By Grace, February 10, 2017
Sick of Bedtime Battles? These Tips Could Help!

Sick of Bedtime Battles? These Tips Could Help!

Sleep is important for all of us, but even more so when it comes to children. And as parents, we want to do the very best for our kids which means making sure they get a good night sleep. So when issues start regarding bedtime it can be frustrating and upsetting. After a long day,…

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By Grace, January 31, 2017
How you can get a better sleep

How you can get a better sleep

Are you finding yourself tossing and turning, wide awake in the middle of the night and yet desperate for sleep when that alarm clock goes off in the morning? You’re not alone. Many people are finding it harder than ever to get a good night sleep, and while the average person needs between 7 and…

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By Grace, January 30, 2017
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