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3 Tips for Leaving a Legacy

3 Tips for Leaving a Legacy

We never really what to think about what life will be like for everyone we love once we’re gone, but as we get older this becomes an important thing to consider. Afterall, the only thing that’s assured in our lives is that one day they will end. As morbid as that may be, it means…

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By Grace, November 29, 2017
4 Hi-tech Ways to Simplify Your Life

4 Hi-tech Ways to Simplify Your Life

  Image via Flickr Ever felt completely snowed under by life in general, or weighed down by the sense of anxious dread that things are spiraling out of control despite your best efforts? Well, of course you have. That is, by all accounts, the default feeling of just about everyone in the busy modern age,…

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By Grace, November 22, 2017
Keeping Your Air Conditioner in Excellent Condition

Keeping Your Air Conditioner in Excellent Condition

To stay cool in the summertime, you need to be sure that your air conditioner is working appropriately. This means that you need to actually dedicate a chunk of your schedule to looking at the unit. It is important that you start this process long before the hot weather comes to call. A few weeks…

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By Grace, September 11, 2017
5 Great Ways to Freshen Up Your Bedroom

5 Great Ways to Freshen Up Your Bedroom

I feel like a change of seasons is a wonderful time to make subtle changes around your home: you can easily make small modifications to things you already have or some inexpensive purchases to add a little bit of style into your bedroom. As we come into the cooler months, I tend to spend even…

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By Grace, September 8, 2017
Fun Ways to Keep Cool This Summer

Fun Ways to Keep Cool This Summer

The summer is a great time to be outside. Unfortunately, staying outdoors for too long during this season can also wind up being uncomfortable and frustrating. This means that you are going to want to slip back into the comfort of your own home every now and again. To enjoy your time indoors during the…

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By Grace, August 8, 2017
How safe are Britain’s roads for cyclists?

How safe are Britain’s roads for cyclists?

In the UK, 90% of all journeys made are completed on our roads, leaving the other 10% for journeys completed on paths, railway lines, and other routes. On these roads, 83% of journeys were undertaken in a car, van or taxi – covering more than 600 billion kilometres over the course of the year. In…

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By Grace, July 31, 2017
Apartment Living Can Totally Rock, But Only If You Do It Right

Apartment Living Can Totally Rock, But Only If You Do It Right

Apartment living has been stereotyped as stressful thanks to noisy neighbours and bullying landlords. But does it really have to be like this? The answer is clearly, no. In fact, you can escape many of the pitfalls of living in an apartment while enjoying many of the benefits by following this simple advice.   Up…

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By Grace, July 27, 2017
Growing Family? Here Are Some Ideas To Get More Space Without Moving

Growing Family? Here Are Some Ideas To Get More Space Without Moving

At some point, most families will begin to grow when partners decide to have more kids. The problem is that cash flow is an issue for most people at the moment, and so they might struggle to buy a larger property. For that reason, many families feel cramped in their current home due to recent…

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By Grace, July 25, 2017
Top Tips for Buying a Used Car

Top Tips for Buying a Used Car

Buying a new car can be a really fun experience, but it can also be extremely stressful. It really depends how prepared you are before you get started hunting for your next car. I’ve written this post to help you specifically with buying a used car as the process can be quite different to when…

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By Grace, June 30, 2017
Little Touches That Make A Big Day Truly Special

Little Touches That Make A Big Day Truly Special

So, a big day is approaching. It might be an anniversary, a birthday, celebrating a job promotion, or something entirely different. The point is that it’s supposed to be a special day and handing off a gift just isn’t going to cut it. Here, we’re going to look at how you ensure you don’t disappoint…

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By Grace, June 6, 2017
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