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Five Stellar Origami Projects to Try Out

Five Stellar Origami Projects to Try Out

One of the most eco-friendly past times out there, Origami is a great way to kill some time, making beautiful creations from something you were about to throw in the bin! If practised enough, this Japanese originated hobby can actually become ideal for great presents, decorations and additions to your home design. So take a…

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By Grace, May 17, 2017
How to stay entertained this weekend

How to stay entertained this weekend

I don’t know about you, but I work so many weekends that when I finally get one off I often have no idea what to do with it. If you’re the same, and you have no idea what to do to stay entertained this weekend, here are some ideas: Go to the movies When was…

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By Grace, March 30, 2017
Are you a working mum? Here’s why you should hire some staff

Are you a working mum? Here’s why you should hire some staff

As a working woman, I often think about what I’ll do if I decide to have kids in the future. The fact remains that woman overwhelmingly do the majority of the housework, spend more time with the kids, and are still expected to work their day jobs. I don’t know about you, but to me,…

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By Grace, March 24, 2017
Why flowers make the best gift

Why flowers make the best gift

There’s a reason why so many people give their loved ones flowers for special occasions. Flowers carry personal messages- while you would give your girlfriend or wife a large bouquet of red roses for her birthday, you may not do the same thing for your best friend’s wife unless you want to raise some eyebrows…

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By Grace, March 17, 2017
Growing Your Own Colourful and Delicious Summer Fruits

Growing Your Own Colourful and Delicious Summer Fruits

With summer fast approaching, now is the perfect time to begin planning what you will grow in your garden for this warmer, brighter and happier time of the year. There is nothing better than tending to your backyard in summer, and then relaxing surrounded by your crop and soaking up some sun. What to Grow…

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By Grace, March 16, 2017
My favourite Mum Moments

My favourite Mum Moments

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, it’s nice to think about all the things our mums do for us, and the great memories we have with our mums. This year, Mother’s Day is the 26th of March, and it’s the perfect time for all of us to thank our mums for everything they’ve done…

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By Grace, February 17, 2017
Checklist for Choosing a Retirement Community

Checklist for Choosing a Retirement Community

Choosing a retirement community that meets your needs or the needs of a loved one can be an overwhelming decision. You have to assess practical considerations as well evaluate staff behavior and competency. And you may be trying to undertake all of this at a stressful time when you or your loved one is facing…

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By Grace, February 9, 2017
How to Maintain Focus as an Online Student

How to Maintain Focus as an Online Student

Online education is the hottest trend right now. Many students are actively choosing online programs rather than the equivalent offline course for several reasons. Aside from the more affordable program cost, online courses are also more flexible time-wise. You can choose to study at your own time and still have the ability to pursue an…

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By Grace, January 27, 2017
How to Ace Studying as a Parent

How to Ace Studying as a Parent

As a parent, tackling your goals is always going to be more difficult for you than it was before you became a mom or dad. With another person (or people) completely dependent on you, everything that you do needs to be tailored to fit their needs just as much, if not more so than your…

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By Grace, January 5, 2017
Christmas Gifts You’ll Love To Give

Christmas Gifts You’ll Love To Give

The Christmas period is fast approaching, and whether you’re a last minute shopper, a bargain hunter or an impulse buyer, you will at some point find yourself asking the question “What on earth do I buy them for Christmas?!” The truth is Christmas shopping isn’t as hard as it seems! And the answer is right…

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By Grace, November 28, 2016
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